Unchecked weed growth can make your facility look poorly maintained and cause additional fire hazards, security concerns and other potential issues. That’s why it’s important to get professional solutions to your weed control needs. For thorough weed control services in the Midland or Odessa, TX area, rely on Eagle Eye PLC. We’re an expert weed spraying company providing commercial and industrial properties with prompt, efficient services.
Call 432-703-3622 now to schedule commercial weed control services.
With over a decade of experience providing weed removal and weed prevention services, we understand how to achieve effective results. As part of our weed control process, we will...
If you partner with us for our quarterly program, we’ll return to your property in around three months to maintain your weed-free property. We can also provide one-time treatments. Contact us today if you have any questions about our commercial weed control services.
We’re licensed, insured and ready to take on your weed control needs. Reach out to us now to make an appointment.
We can provide weed control services for any part of your commercial or industrial property. Our team has experience providing treatments for...
Tank batteries
Oil lease roads
Pipe yards
Truck yards
Pipeline valve and regulator sites